Lorraine Nepal is a French Association which has been created in 1997, by -among others- the father of one member of Solu ^ Cham. Their main activity has been -and still is- to promote Education & Health in Solu-Khumbu, focusing in particular on bringing small kids ( from nursery to class 6 ) at school.
They successfully completed the construction of 4 primary schools located in the villages of Charghare, Tumbuk, Salabesi and Phera, as well as 2 Health Posts in Ringmo and Salabesi. Lorraine-Nepal today contributes actively to the running costs and operations of these facilities, and has established successful godfathering processes allowing sponsoring of the scholarships of the children.
Solu^Cham does not intend to overlap the activity of Lorraine-Nepal , bur rather to complement it, by bringing extra-support , within the frames of their existing projects towards the primary schools ( LN & Public schools).
Solu ^ Cham in turn, commits itself to support these schools where ever the current administrator ( Lorraine Nepal) is short of resources, whenever possible.
This translates for example in 2022 in :
Doctors & Nurses
English Teachers
Upgrading Premises
School Equipment
for Scholarship Sponsoring
Promouvoir l'éducation en tant que droit humain fondamental, depuis les écoles primaires jusqu'au NVTC et à l'emploi. Améliorer le comportement de la population en matière d'hygiène, de santé, de conservation et de protection de l'environnement.
VIEW DETAILSSoutenir financièrement les familles les plus démunies en parrainant des bourses d'études et en aidant le foyer pour enfants de France-Solu Khumbu Nepal à Salleri.
VIEW DETAILSPromouvoir un comportement éco-responsable dès le plus jeune âge et parrainer des projets de conservation et de protection de l'environnement.
VIEW DETAILSBorn at the foot of the Mont-Blanc, moving towards the foothills of Mount Everest. Solu^Cham aims at Connecting Mountain's People and Bringing sustainable development opportunities for the youth of Solu-Khumbu in Nepal.