Solu^Cham supports more than 500 students from Solu

Solukhumbu – Non-governmental organization Solu Cam France has distributed bags and stationery to more than 500 students of Solukhumbu.

The organization has distributed one bag and stationery items to 562 students of different schools in Solududhakund municipality ward number 2 and 11.

According to Nima Sherpa, the district coordinator of the organization, last Wednesday, 32 people from Buddha Academy Tumbuk located in Solududhakunda Municipality 2 and Beni A.V. Materials have been distributed to 17 students of Salabesi.

Similarly, coordinator Sherpa said that 88 students of Beni avi Beni, Setidevi avi Charghare and Namobuddha avi Phera were distributed on Thursday.

Similarly, on Friday, 72 students of Barbot District, 120 students of Sinhakali District, 15 students of Siddha District located in Solududhakund Municipality 11 Tingla, and 140 students of Bhimeshthan Mavi Murre, 65 students of Jaleshwar District of Tingnasa and 13 students of Chandra Jyoti District of Pekarnas were distributed.

According to the organization, Solududhakund Nagar Chief Namgel Jangbu Sherpa, Nepali Congress Ward Chairman Balkumar Karki and others were present in the program of Tingla region.