Allowing Sustainable Employment through NVTC

Connecting mountain's people

2023 main project is the construction and opening of “ Numbur Vocational Training Centre”.

The main goal of this facility is to provide children the opportunity to acquire skills and training enabling them to acquire a job, in line with the prevailing needs of the Solu Khumbu region. By doing so, it will be then enable these youngsters ( and families to be) to remain in their mountain environment in Solu-Khumbu, rather than having to grow the number of jobless people in the crowded capital of Kathmandu.

Within this target, few sectors have been identified as priorities :
  • Building Trades , and in particular Carpentry , Plumbing & Water Heating and Electricity. These shall be the first subjects for 2023 onwards.
  • Tourism , and specifically Hospitality , Cooking & Catering and Trekking Organization
  • Agro & Food Processing including fruits / vegetables/ dairy products value-added
  • Bi-qualification
The cursus proposed is geared for children having completed their general education ( post S.E.E) , and not willing /nor having the possibility to pursue long tertiary studies. Numbur Vocational Training Centre would propose them a 2 years program, made of cycles of 13 weeks each , spent between theoretical and practical education in the Centre and “in-situ” training with professionals of the region on local projects. Numbur Vocational Training Centre is opened to any student of Solu-Khumbu having completed successfully both S.E.E examination and entrance selection processes at Centre. Programs and goals of the Centre are perfectly in line with the objectives of C.T.E.V.T ( Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training), aiming at developing a competent workforce for national and international market needs. At the end of the 2 years program, the student will have to pass some practical & theoretical exams and will be delivered a Certificate of Professional Competence (C.P.C).

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