Human Rights Policy



2 min




Pierre Houé


Human rights

Human Rights Policy

Solucham takes a comprehensive approach to human rights issues, including concerns around child and bonded labor, workplace health and safety, commercial exploitation of children, exploitation of migrant workers, discrimination and displacement of indigenous people and vulnerable groups.

We do not operate a system of low margins and high turnover, and we are aware of all the individuals involved in our supply chains, from drivers to teachers/ helpers and/or porters, and we actively teach those people to be aware of their value in that chain.


Where the Money Goes

The integrality of the monies we are generating goes in direct payments through our corresponding arm in Nepal, Sherpa Children Assistance Association (SCAA) to institutions like schools, clinics, community centers with whom we are working. Solucham takes great care at making sure that these payments are “not leaked” into administration and/or any corrupted circuit. We provide continual and comprehensive monitoring on how these funds are spent, and we work with the local communities to increase their stake holding in the projects we embark in. We as well inform our donors of all details of our expenditures as well as keep them aware of the progress of our on-going projects.

1. The right to health and well

We respect the right for our employees to have a quality of life and an individual choice which is not exploited by long hours, hard labour, low pay, lack of rest and an unhealthy environment. We recognize as a primary right the access to healthcare and hygiene, regardless of the caste, sex, religion and/or income.

3. The rights of the child

we actively promote the development of the family unit, and we promote the right to access education, regardless of caste, sex, religion, and or income.

2. The right to dignity, respect and privacy

We do not let our tourism subsume or consume the local communities where we visit, and we always work with our Nepali correspondent (SCAA) and authorities to make sure that our presence there is accepted and wanted

4. The right to work

We strongly believe that the right to work and secure a decent income for yourself and your family, within your own natural environment is a basic right which must be protected and promoted. This is guiding our choice -in particular – to launch the Numbur Vocational Training Centre , to provide young people with adequate skills enabling them to find a job in Solu Khumbu.