
Allowing Sustainable Employment through NVTC

Give youngsters a vocational training bringing them the necessary skills to find a job in their mountains area. Center under construction now. Construction & Tourism Trades / Bi-Qualification

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Providing support to Primary schools

Maintenance & upgrade of premises, settlement of utilities bills, donations of school equipment & stationaries, volunteers teachers for 15 schools ( incl. Lorraine-Nepal)

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Improving Hygiene and Healthcare

Promote hygiene and healthcare from young age and support Health Posts with maintenance & upgrade of premises, donations of first -aid equipment for in-situ diagnosis and treatment of benign diseases.

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Raising awareness for sustainable development

Promote an eco-responsible behavior from young age and sponsor some conservation and environmental projects

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Supporting families and students

Financially support the most needy families through scholarship sponsoring as well as helping the France -Solu Khumbu Nepal Children Home in Salleri

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Promoting Education

Promote Education as a basic Human Right, from Primary Schools through to NVTC and employment. Enhance behavior of the people towards Hygiene / Healthcare and Conservation & Protection of their environment.

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